file format
Group: /mf_header
Content: Information from the WFN file.
Dataset: /mf_header/versionnumber
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: Version number of this particular file.
Dataset: /mf_header/flavor
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: 1 for Real, 2 for CPLX.
Group: /mf_header/kpoints
Content: Variables related to the k-point grid.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/nspin
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of spins.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/nspinor
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of spinors, 2 for fully relativistic calculations, 1 if not.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/nrk
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of k-points in irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ).
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/mnband
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of bands.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/ngkmax
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: maximum number of G-vectors over all-kpoints.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/ecutwfc
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: wavefunction cutoff, in Ry.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/kgrid
Type: integer
Rank: 1
Dims(1): 3
Value: k-grid used in mean-field calculation.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/shift
Type: double
Rank: 1
Dims(1): 3
Value: k-grid shift used in mean-field calculation, in units of 1/kgrid. For instance, if the kgrid is (2,2,2) and kshift is (0.5,0.5,0.5), the kpoints should be (0.25, 0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.25, 0.25), etc.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/ngk
Type: integer
Rank: 1
Dims(1): nrk
Value: number of G-vectors at each k-point.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/ifmin
Type: integer
Rank: 2
Dims(1): nrk
Dims(2): nspin
Value: lowest occupied band at each k-point. Numbering starts with 1 (not 0).
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/ifmax
Type: integer
Rank: 2
Dims(1): nrk
Dims(2): nspin
Value: highest occupied band at each k-point. Numbering starts with 1 (not 0).
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/w
Type: double
Rank: 1
Dims(1): nrk
Value: weight of each k-point.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/rk
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): nrk
Value: k-points.
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/el
Type: double
Rank: 3
Dims(1): mnband
Dims(2): nrk
Dims(3): nspin
Value: mean-field energies. (In Ry)
Dataset: /mf_header/kpoints/occ
Type: double
Rank: 3
Dims(1): mnband
Dims(2): nrk
Dims(3): nspin
Value: occupations, between 0 and 1.
Group: /mf_header/gspace
Content: Variables related to the g-space.
Dataset: /mf_header/gspace/ng
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of G-vectors in the "full" G-space. Note that we typically use a much smaller number of G-vectors to represent the wave functions and even the charge density. Note that ng should be large enough to represent the charge density, i.e., ng >= product(FFTgrid)
Dataset: /mf_header/gspace/ecutrho
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: charge density cutoff, in Ry.
Dataset: /mf_header/gspace/FFTgrid
Type: integer
Rank: 1
Dims(1): 3
Value: FFT grid.
Dataset: /mf_header/gspace/components
Type: integer
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): ng
Value: G-vectors in the "full" G-space. See comments on ng.
Group: /mf_header/symmetry
Content: Variables related to symmetry operations. We use spglib, so convention is rotate, then translate.
Dataset: /mf_header/symmetry/ntran
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of symmetries.
Dataset: /mf_header/symmetry/cell_symmetry
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: cell type (0 = cubic, 1 = hexagonal).
Dataset: /mf_header/symmetry/mtrx
Type: integer
Rank: 3
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): 3
Dims(3): ntran
Value: symmetry matrices.
Dataset: /mf_header/symmetry/tnp
Type: integer
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): ntran
Value: fractional translations.
Group: /mf_header/crystal
Content: Variables related to crystal structure.
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/celvol
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: cell volume (a.u.).
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/recvol
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: reciprocal lattice volume (a.u.).
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/alat
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: lattice constant (a.u.).
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/blat
Type: double
Rank: 0
Value: reciprocal lattice constant (a.u.).
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/nat
Type: integer
Rank: 0
Value: number of atoms.
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/avec
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): 3
Value: lattice vectors (unit of alat). In FORTRAN index convention, a vector [xr] in cartesian coordinates can be obtained from a vector [xc] in crystal coordinates via [xr] = alat [avec] [xc].
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/bvec
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): 3
Value: reciprocal lattice vectors (units of blat). In FORTRAN index convention, a k-point [kr] in cartesian coordinates can be obtained from a k-point [kc] in crystal coordinates via [kr] = blat [bvec] [kc].
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/adot
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): 3
Value: metric tensor in real space (a.u.). In FORTRAN index convention, a the length l of a vector [xc] in crystal coordinates is given by l = [xc]^T [adot] [xc].
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/bdot
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): 3
Value: metric tensor in reciprocal space (a.u.). In FORTRAN index convention, a the length l of a k-point [kc] in crystal coordinates is given by l = [kc]^T [bdot] [kc].
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/atyp
Type: integer
Rank: 1
Dims(1): nat
Value: atomic species (atomic number, e.g. for carbon, atyp=6
Dataset: /mf_header/crystal/apos
Type: double
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): nat
Value: atomic positions (in cartesian coordinates, in units of alat).
Group: /wfns
Content: Wavefunction G-vectors and coefficients.
Dataset: /wfns/gvecs
Type: integer
Rank: 2
Dims(1): 3
Dims(2): ngktot (sum of ngk over all k-points)
Value: G-vectors for each k-point, listed consecutively, i.e. G-vectors for kpt 1, G-vectors for k-point 2, etc
Dataset: /wfns/coeffs
Type: double
Rank: 4
Dims(1): 1 for REAL, 2 for CPLX
Dims(2): ngktot
Dims(3): nspin*nspinor
Dims(4): mnband
Value: Wavefunction coefficients. We have all G-vector components for all k-points consecutively for a given spin and band, i.e. all G-vectors for k-point 1, all G-vectors for k-point 2, etc.