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Compilation flags in

Below, we describe the flags that can be defined in the machine-dependent file necessary to compile BerkeleyGW. Also, refer to the examples in the config/ directory.

Reuse first!

It is likely that you can simply copy an in the config/ folder that will work on your platform without any modification. In the worst case scenario, pick a template from the config/ folder that most closely matches your architecture, and customize it as necessary instead of creating a new from scratch!

General options

These flags control which compiler, parallelization scheme, and external libraries are available, and hence dramatically affect the performance of the code and which components of the code are enabled.

COMPFLAG: Fortran compiler selector

Use this to select the Fortran compiler. Select only one of the following options:


If you have a different one than these, modifications in Common/compiler.h and Common/ may be be necessary. The BerkeleyGW developers' team can assist you in this case.

PARAFLAG: Parallelization flags

More than one option is possible. Possible flags are:

  • -DMPI: compiles BerkeleyGW with support for MPI distributed-memory parallelization.
  • -DOMP: compiles BerkeleyGW with support for OpenMP shared-memory parallelization. In this case, add appropriate compiler-dependent flag to F90free and LINK (documented below):
    • ifort, sunf90, absoft, pathscale, open64: -openmp.
    • pgi: -mp=nonuma.
    • gfortran: -fopenmp.
    • xlf: -qsmp=omp.
    • crayftn: on by default (to turn off use -h noomp).
    • nag: add -openmp. You may also need to add -Wl,-fopenmp to LINK.
    • g95 does not support OpenMP.

Typical compilations will include both MPI and OpenMP parallelization, with


MATHFLAG: Mathematical libraries

More than open option is possible. Possible flags are:

  • -DUSESCALAPACK: enables usage of ScaLAPACK (required for MPI parallel builds).
  • -DUSEESSL: uses IBM's ESSL library instead of LAPACK in some parts of the code.
  • -DUNPACKED: uses unpacked rather than packed representation of the Hamiltonian in EPM. Packed LAPACK operations give bad results eventually in Si-EPM kernel 'max x' test for ACML, Cray LibSci, and MKL sometimes.
  • -DUSEFFTW3: uses FFTW3 instead of FFTW2, which is recommended for better performance, and enables threading.
  • -DHDF5: enables usage of HDF5 for writing epsmat and bsemat files. The produced files will be eps0mat.h5, epsmat.h5 and bsemat.h5 and are used in place of eps0mat, epsmat, bsedmat, bsexmat (the latter two are combined in one .h5 file). Using -DHDF5 gives you substantially better IO performance in many cases by taking advantage of HDF5's parallel IO options and other options. However, you must have the HDF5 libraries installed on your system and define HDF5LIB and HDF5INCLUDE below.
  • -DUSEPRIMME: enables support for the PRIMME library for iterative diagonalization. Currently only used in ParaBands.
  • -DUSEMR3: enables support for the MR3 solver in ScaLAPACK. Used in BSE for solving the full BSE without the Tamm-Dancoff approximation. Most moderns ScaLAPACK implementations, including the Netlib reference implementation, support MR3.
  • -DUSEVORO: enable support for voro++ program to compute Voronoi regions.

Typical compilations will use


DEBUGFLAG and C_DEBUGFLAG: Debugging flags

More than open option is possible. Possible flags are:

  • -DDEBUG: enables extra memory checking in the code. This typically slows down the code by up to ~20%.
  • -DVERBOSE: equivalent to running all codes with the maximum verbosity level.

DEBUGFLAG and C_DEBUGFLAG are used separately by Fortran and C/C++ programs, respectively. Don't set any of those options unless a developer told you to, as they will slow down the code and make the output much more verbose (almost unreadable).

Typical compilations will not set DEBUGFLAG nor C_DEBUGFLAG.

Fortran 2003 compiler options

FCPP: Fortran preprocessor

The best option is to use gcc's c preprocessor (often in /bin/cpp), or a C compiler (even mpicc) with the -E and/or -x c option. The options -C (and not -ansi) should generally be used. Add -P if the Fortran compiler will not accept indication of line numbers. You may also need to add -nostdinc and -nostdinc++ if your Fortran compiler complains about lines such as #include ....

A typical usage on Linux systems is:

FCPP = cpp -C -nostdinc -nostdinc++

F90free: Fortran compiler

Fortran 2003 compiler and its flags for F90 and f90 files (free source form). Typical syntax is:

F90free = {mpif90, mpiifort, ftn, ifort, pgf90, gfortran, ...} [flags]

See note in the section on PARAFLAG regarding flags for OpenMP. Sometimes, flags such as -fno-second-underscore or -assume 2underscores may be necessary to make linking succeed against C libraries such as FFTW, depending on what compiler built them.

A typical usage with the gfortran compiler is:

F90free = mpif90 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fno-second-underscore -fopenmp

Compiler and any flag(s) required for linking. Typical syntax is:

LINK = {mpif90, mpiifort, ftn, ifort, pgf90, gfortran, ...} [flags]

A typical usage with the gfortran compiler is:

LINK = mpif90 -fopenmp

FOPTS: Fortran optimization flags

Optimization flags depend on the compiler. A typical usage with the gfortran compiler is:


A typical usage with the gfortran compiler to debug the code is:

FOPTS = -g -C -O0 -fbounds-check -fbacktrace -finit-real=snan -Wall -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow

FNOOPTS: Fortran conservative optimization flags

These are used for compiling the epsilon.f90 and sigma.f90 codes, which can have trouble in high optimization due to their long length.

If below does not work,




MOD_OPT: Output path of Fortran modules.

Fortran compiler flag to specify location where module should be created. This is different for each compiler, so please refer to the examples. A typical example for gfortran is:


INCFLAG: Search path for Fortran modules.

Compiler flag to specify where to look for modules. This flag is compiler dependent. Example for gfortran:


C/C++ compiler options

C_PARAFLAG: Parallel flag for C++ programs.

Use this to compile C++ in parallel with MPI with the option:


Leave blank for serial. MPICH, MVAPICH, Intel MPI require also -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK, or an error may occur such as: SEEK_SET is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI. Include mpi.h before stdio.h

C_COMP: C compiler

Include any needed flags. Typical syntax is:

C_COMP = {mpicc, mpiicc, cc, icc, pgcc, gcc, ...} [options]

A typical usage with the gcc compiler suite is:

C_COMP = mpiccc -fopenmp

CC_COMP: C++ compiler

Include any needed flags. Typical syntax is:

CC_COMP = {mpiCC, mpicxx, mpiicpc, CC, icpc, pgCC, g++, ...} [options]

A typical usage with the gcc compiler suite is:

CC_COMP = mpicxx -fopenmp

Include any needed flags. Typical syntax is:

CC_COMP = {mpiCC, mpicxx, mpiicpc, CC, icpc, pgCC, g++, ...} [options]

A typical usage with the gcc compiler suite is:

CC_COMP = mpicxx -fopenmp

C_OPTS: C/C++ optimization flags

Typical usage with the gcc compiler suite:

C_OPTS = -O3

Math Libraries

Static linking is highly recommended when running large-scale parallel calculations. Note that sometime we define variables such as FFTWPATH and HDF5PATH, which are not required by BerkeleyGW but which make it easier to unify some paths, such as FFTWLIB and FFTWINCLUDE.


Link line for FFTW2 or FFTW3 library. Sometimes needs to be linked with -ldfftw, and sometimes with -lfftw.

Example for FFTW2 or non-threaded FFTW3:

FFTWLIB = $(FFTWPATH)/lib/libfftw.a # static linking, recommended
FFTWLIB = -L$(FFTWPATH)/lib -lfftw # dynamic linking

Example for threaded FFTW3 (i.e., if -DUSEFFTW3 is used in MATHFLAGS).

FFTWLIB = $(FFTWPATH)/lib/libfftw3_omp.a $(FFTWPATH)/lib/libfftw3.a # static linking, recommended
FFTWLIB = $(FFTWPATH)/lib -lfftw3_omp -lfftw3 # dynamic linking

Examples for MKL:

FFTWLIB = $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
               -Wl,--start-group \
               $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
               $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
               $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
               $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a \
               -Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lm -ldl
FFTWLIB = -Wl,--start-group \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_core.a \
                -Wl,--end-group -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl


To use FFTW3 from MKL, do not link the fftw3xf interfaces.


FFTW2 requires include file fftw_f77.i; sometimes supercomputer installations will not have it. If not, find it online and copy it. FFTW3 requires include file fftw3.f instead.

Typical syntax:


Example for MKL:

FFTWINCLUDE = $(MKLROOT)/include/fftw


Different styles will apply depending on the package used. Must provide BLAS as well as LAPACK: some packages will do this in one library file, others will not. See examples in this directory for how to link with MKL, ACML, ATLAS, Ubuntu packages, etc. For MKL, if you will use ScaLAPACK, it is most convenient to include BLACS here too. For further info on linking with MKL, see the link-line advisor.

Typical generic syntax on Ubuntu:

LAPACKLIB = -L/usr/lib/ -llapack -lblas

Another syntax on Ubuntu, statically linking against Netlib LAPACK and OpenBLAS:

LAPACKLIB = /lib64/liblapack.a /opt/OpenBLAS-0.2.20/lib/libopenblas.a

Typical syntax on MacOS, statically linking against Veclib:

LAPACKLIB = /opt/local/lib/libvecLibFort.a

Typical example for MKL:

LAPACKLIB = -Wl,--start-group \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_core.a \
                $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a \
                -Wl,--end-group -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl


Specify if you have -DUSESCALAPACK in MATHFLAG. BLACS must be provided here too, if it is not provided in LAPACKLIB above. See examples in this directory for different packages, as with LAPACKLIB.

Typical example for Ubuntu:

SCALAPACKLIB = /lib64/libscalapack.a

Typical example for MacOS:

SCALAPACKLIB = -L/opt/local/lib/ -lscalapack

Typical example for MKL:

SCALAPACKLIB = $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a

HDF5LIB: HDF5 linking

Only necessary if you have -DHDF5 in MATHFLAG. If compiling in parallel, you must have HDF5 compiled with parallel support or linking will fail. Path as below should generally work. Sometimes -lsz too, or static linkage, might be required. Note that -lz is not from HDF5, but its dependency zlib, and libdl may be required on your system even when linking static HDF5 due to plugin support in 1.8.11 and higher.

Example usage:

HDF5LIB = $(HDF5PATH)/libhdf5hl_fortran.a \
          $(HDF5PATH)/libhdf5_hl.a \
          $(HDF5PATH)/libhdf5_fortran.a \
          $(HDF5PATH)/libhdf5.a \
          $(HDF5PATH)/libsz.a \
HDF5LIB = -L$(HDF5PATH)/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lz


See notes on HDF5LIB. Typical usage:


Advanced options

These flags don't need to be typically set, and the default values work on most systems.

Any flag or library that you need to pass to your Fortran compiler to link object files compiled from C++. If this field is blank, we use a set of compiler-dependent default values, hard coded in Common/ This flag is currently only being used if you compile your code with the -DUSEVORO flag.

Normally you don't need to set CC_LINK_LIBS. In some rare cases, you may need to use:

CC_LINK_LIBS = -lstdc++

REMOVE: Remove files

Default is:

REMOVE = /bin/rm -f

AR: Make archives

Command for making archives (.a). Default is:

AR = /usr/bin/ar

Usually that is fine and AR does not need to be specified, but to do interprocedural optimizations (IPO) with ifort, you need xiar instead:

AR = /usr/bin/env xiar

PERFORMANCE: Performance/profiling

To be used with an external tool such as IPM on NERSC. Default is empty:


TESTSCRIPT: Testsuite job script

Command to submit testsuite job script from testsuite directory. Usage of qsub is for PBS. If no scheduler, put make check-parallel here. In serial, delete this line.


TESTSCRIPT = qsub {architecture}.scr