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Absorption code input keywords (absorption.inp)

Required keywords

Optional keywords

Keyword documentation

Band occupation

In metallic systems, PARATEC often outputs incorrect occupation levels in wavefunctions. Use this to override these values. lowest_occupied_band should be 1 unless you have some very exotic situation.



Screening type

How does the screening of the system behaves? (default=screening_semiconductor) BerkeleyGW uses this information to apply a different numerical procedure to computing the diverging q\rightarrow 0 contribution to the screened Coulomb potential W_{GG'}(q). These models are not used in Hartree-Fock calculations.


Use this flag on gapped system (default).


Use this flag on metallic system, i.e., constant DOS at the Fermi energy.


Use this flag on systems with vanishing linear DOS at the Fermi level, such as graphene.

Scissors operator

Scissors operator (linear fit of the quasiparticle energy corrections) for the bands in WFN and WFNq. For valence-band energies:

  • ev_cor = ev_in + evs + evdel * (ev_in - ev0)

For conduction-band energies:

  • ec_cor = ec_in + ecs + ecdel * (ec_in - ec0)

Defaults is zero for all entries, i.e., no scissors corrections. evs, ev0, ecs, ec0 are in eV. If you have eqp.dat and eqp_q.dat files this information is ignored in favor of the eigenvalues in eqp.dat and eqp_q.dat. One can specify all parameters for scissors operator in a single line with cvfit evs ev0 evdel ecs ec0 ecdel

evs [float]

ev0 [float]

evdel [float]

ecs [float]

ec0 [float]

ecdel [float]

cvfit [array of integers]

Truncation schemes for the Coulomb potential

Since BerkerleyGW is a plane-wave-based code, one must truncate the Coulomb potential to avoid spurious interactions between repeated supercells when dealing with systems with reduced dimensionality. Make sure you understand how to setup your mean-field calculation so that the supercell is large enough to perform a truncation of the Coulomb potential.


Truncate the Coulomb potential based on the Wigner-Seitz cell. This is the recommended truncation for 0D systems.


Truncation scheme for 1D systems, such as carbon nanotubes. The z direction is assumed to be periodic, and x and y confined.


Truncation scheme for 2D systems, such as graphene or monolayer MoS2. The z direction is assumed to be confined, and x and y periodic.


Truncate the Coulomb potential based on an analytical scheme. This is ok for quasi-spherical systems, such as CH4 molecule or C60, but the cell_box_truncation is the most general and recommended scheme. When using spherical truncation, you must also specify the radius for the truncation in spherical_truncation.

coulomb_truncation_radius [float]

This specifies the radius of for spherical truncation, in Bohr, so that the Coulomb potential v(r) is zero for r larger than these values. This flag is to be used together with spherical_truncation.

K-point unfolding and symmetries

These flags define whether to use symmetries to unfold the Brillouin zone or not in files. The following files are read by BerkleyGW depending on which flags you use:


Default is always not to unfold! You probably want to use symmetries to unfold the grid in WFN_co, i.e., use_symmetries_coarse_grid, but not to use symmetries when unfolding files WFN_fi and WFNq_fi when they are randomly shifted, i.e., no_symmetries_fine_grid and no_symmetries_shifted_grid. The idea is that, if apply a random shift to WFN_fi or WFNq_fi, these files will contain the full Monkhorst-Pack grid. If you apply symmetry elements on top of that, you will get a non-uniform grid.


Make sure that you pick either no_symmetries_coarse_grid or use_symmetries_coarse_grid consistently with your kernel calculation!


Don't use symmetries to unfold the k-points from WFN_fi. This is a good idea when you use a random shift in your fine grid.


Use symmetries to unfold the k-points from WFN_fi. Use this whenever your WFN_fi contains a full, unshifted k-point grid.


Don't use symmetries to unfold the k-points from WFNq_fi. This is a good idea when you use a random shift in your q-shifted fine grid and in your WFN_fi files.


Use symmetries to unfold the k-points from WFNq_fi. Use this whenever both your WFN_fi and WFNq_fi contain a full, unshifted k-point grid. In this case, you will need to generate the shifted grid using the same procedure as generating the shifted grid for an epsilon calculation. i.e. use non-zero small q-shift in kgrid.inp.


Don't use symmetries to unfold the coarse k-points from WFN_co. Make sure to use the same parameter that you used in kernel!


Use symmetries to unfold the coarse k-points from WFN_co. Make sure to use the same parameter that you used in kernel!

Dipole transition matrix elements

How to calculate optical transition probabilities?

  • For absorption, there is no default, one must be specified.
  • For inteqp, default is use_momentum.

Note: for use_momentum and use_dos, only WFN_fi is used. For use_velocity, the valence bands come from WFNq_fi.


Recommended option for absorption calculations. The dipole matrix elements are rigorously computed using two wave function files, WFN_fi, and WFNq_fi, which includes effects such as the non-local part of the pseudopotential in the transition matrix elements.


When you use the momentum operator, you are throwing away the contribution from the non-local part of the pseudopotential to the dipole transition matrix elements. However, you won't need to specify a WFNq_fi file. This option is very useful to debug calculations, but use it with caution!


For Haydock there is also a third option to calculate Joint density of states. Diagonalization computes this for free. This is equivalent to setting the dipole transition matrix elements to a constant.

BZ unfolding (experimental)

The 'unfolded BZ' refers to symmetry-unfolded set of k-points in the WFN* files, while 'full BZ' is generated from the k-grid parameters in the WFN file See comments in Common/checkbz.f90 for more details.


Replace unfolded BZ with full BZ


Write unfolded BZ and full BZ to files

Numerical broadening

Numerical broadening width and type for generating absorption spectrum. Haydock only does Lorentzian broadening, and \varepsilon_1(\omega) is always broadened with a Lorentzian profile. The width is controlled by the energy_resolution flag, and \varepsilon_2(\omega) can be broadened with the diagonalization algorithm with either a Gaussian or Lorentzian curve.

energy_resolution [float]

By how much each peak in \varepsilon_2(\omega) should be broadened, in eV.


Use a Lorentzian curve to broaden \varepsilon_2(\omega). This is the only option with the Haydock algorithm.


Use a Gaussian curve to broaden \varepsilon_2(\omega). This is the default with the diagonalization algorithm.


Use a Voigt profile to broaden \varepsilon_2(\omega), i.e., a convolution of a Lorentzian with a Gaussian curve. This is only available with the diagonalization algorithm. See parameters energy_resolution_sigma and energy_resolution_gamma. Note that the Voigt profile becomes Lorentzian as energy_resolution_sigma approaches 0, and a Gaussian as energy_resolution_gamma approaches 0. However, the parametrization of the Voigt function diverges at energy_resolution_sigma = 0.

energy_resolution_sigma [float]

Broadening of the Gaussian contribution to the Voigt profile, in eV.

energy_resolution_gamma [float]

Broadening of the Lorentzian contribution to the Voigt profile, in eV.

Spin transition to compute

Options are:

  • spin_triplet: direct kernel only, appropriate only for spin-unpolarized calculations (no exchange).
  • spin_singlet (default): direct + exchange, appropriate for spin-polarized too.
  • local_fields: local-fields + RPA (exchange only)


Triplet transition matrix elements would be exactly zero for electric-dipole transitions, so we give instead the spin part of a magnetic-dipole interaction.

Note that triplet kernel only applies to a spin-unpolarized system; for a spin-polarized system, the solutions naturally include both singlets and triplets (or other multiplicities for a magnetic system).




K-point interpolation scheme


The interpolation algorithm is based on the Delaunay tessellation of the k-points. This guarantees that the interpolant is a continuous function, and that we are always interpolating, and never extrapolating. (default)


You can also use the previous interpolation method, which might give interpolants that are not continuous.

K-point interpolation transformation


Do a linear interpolation of the quasiparticle corrections over k. The band structure may acquire a spurious linear dispersion around band extrema instead of being parabolic. However, band structures will appear smoother when interpolated from a coarse k-point sampling.


Transform the quasiparticle corrections to an exponential form which preserves the quadratic dispersion around band extrema. This preserves the correct parabolic dispersion near the VBM/CBM, which the band structure appears wiggly when interpolated from a coarse k-point sampling. (default)

Solver for the non-TDA problem

Options are:

  • full_bse_solver_sseig: uses the structure-preserving solver developed by Shao, Jornada, yang, Deslippe, and Louie, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 488, 148 (2016). It's the fatests option and which guarantees the symmetry between positive- and negative-energy solutions.
  • full_bse_solver_gvx: uses a solver based on (Sca)LAPACK's general eigenvalue solver pzhegvx/pdsygvx or the LAPACK's zhegvx/dsygvx.
  • full_bse_solver_elpa: uses ELPA's solver for general eigenvalue problems.

Default is full_bse_solver_sseig for parallel and full_bse_solver_gvx for serial runs. Only relevant for full_bse.




Misc. parameters

number_val_bands_fine [integer]

Number of occupied bands on fine (interpolated) k-point grid, WFNq_fi.

number_val_bands_coarse [integer]

Number of occupied bands on coarse (input) k-point grid, WFN_co.

number_cond_bands_fine [integer]

Number of unoccupied bands on fine (interpolated) k-point grid, WFN_fi.

number_cond_bands_coarse [integer]

Number of unoccupied bands on coarse (input) k-point grid, WFN_co.

fermi_level [float]

Specify the Fermi level (in eV), if you want implicit doping Note that value refers to energies after scissor shift or eqp corrections. See also fermi_level_absolute and fermi_level_relative to control the meaning of the Fermi level.

The Fermi level in keyword fermi_level can be treated as an absolute value or relative to that found from the mean field (default). Using fermi_level_absolute will force the code to recompute the Fermi level regardless of existing occupations/ifmax array.




Read from traditional simple binary format for epsmat/eps0mat instead of HDF5 file format. Relevant only if code is compiled with HDF5 support.

verbosity [integer]

Verbosity level, options are:

  • 1: default
  • 2: medium - info about k-points, symmetries, and eqp corrections.
  • 3: high - full dump of the reduced and unfolded k-points.
  • 4: log - log of various function calls. Use to debug code.
  • 5: debug - extra debug statements. Use to debug code.
  • 6: max - only use if instructed to, severe performance downgrade. Note that verbosity levels are cumulative. Most users will want to stick with level 1 and, at most, level 3. Only use level 4+ if debugging the code.


Read quasiparticle corrections for the fine-grid wavefunction, WFN_fi, as a general spline representation.

The quasiparticle corrections \Delta E = E_{QP} - E_{mf} = \Delta E(E_{mf}) are represented by a spline curve stored in spline_scissors.dat. The file format is the following:

  • First line: number of knots
  • Second line: array with knot positions (t)
  • Third line: array with coefficients (c)
  • Fourth line: degree of the spline (k)

The arrays t and c, together with the scalar k, form the tck tuple returned by the FITPACK's curfit routine and SciPy's splrep routine.


Read WFN_fi/WFNq_fi/WFN_co/WFNq_co in HDF5 format (i.e. read from WFN_fi.h5/WFNq_fi.h5/WFN_co.h5/WFNq_co.h5).

wfn_hdf5_min_band_block [integer]

Define minimum band block size when reading WFN, default is a block of 128 Mb minimum, used mainly for debugging.


Do not use HDF5 format to output the BSE eigenvectors.

regular_grid [array of integers]

Regular grid used to calculate qpt_averages. Default is the kgrid in the WFN_fi file. It matters only if you want to perform minicell averages.

avgpot [float]

The average potential on the faces of the unit cell in the non-periodic directions for the bands in WFN_inner This is used to correct for the vacuum level The default is zero, avgpot is in eV


This flag enables non-uniform sampling using a patch, as outlined in Phys. Rev. B 108, 235117, 2023. A patch is drawn from a uniform grid, which also has to be defined using the 'regular_grid' keyword. The script may be used to extract patches. The WFN_fi file needs to be computed on this patch. Use this with caution - the patch needs to include the region of the Brillouin zone where the exciton coefficients reside.


Advanced flag: read k-points from the kpoints file. The default is to read k-points from the wfn file.

q_shift [array of integers]

This is needed only with read_kpoints and if you selected velocity operator above. This should match the shift between WFN_fi and WFNq_fi.


The requested number of valence or conduction bands cannot break degenerate subspace. Use the following keyword to suppress this check. Note that you must still provide one more band in wavefunction file in order to assess degeneracy. For inteqp, only the coarse grid is checked.


Request calculation of the fully-relativistic form of the BSE, using spinor wavefunctions

Which algorithm do we use to solve the BSE? We can either do a full diagonalization with ELPA, ScaLAPACK or LAPACK or use the Haydock iterative solver. Note that the lanczos solver below also requires you to specify diagonalization here. In case you compile and link with PRIMME library support you can use diagonalization_primme to iteratively diagonalize the BSE hamiltonian.




Use the PRIMME library (PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver for solving symmetric/Hermitian eigenvalue problems and singular value problems) to diagonalize the BSE. You will also need to provide a value for number_eigenvalues. Use this flag instead of the diagonalization or haydock flags. This also requires the code to be compiled with the -DUSEPRIMME flag and properly linked against the PRIMME library. See also the primme_tolerance primme_max_basis_size and primme_max_block_size flags.

primme_tolerance [float]

Tolerance for the convergence of eigenvalues using PRIMME.

primme_max_basis_size [integer]

Maximum basis set used in PRIMME before restarting the Krylov subspace.

primme_max_block_size [integer]

Maximum number of simultaneous matrix-vector operations to be done in PRIMME.


Allows to specify which algorithm to use to perform the BSE matvec operation within BGW to feed into primme, options are: CPU_ALGO for the CPU version or OPENACC_ALGO and OMP_TARGET_ALGO for the GPU version. Default is using the GPU algorithm, with OPENACC_ALGO default vs OMP_TARGET_ALGO if both implementations are available (i.e. compiled with both -DOPENACC and -DOMP_TARGET). If only  -DOMP_TARGET is compiled in then the  default is to use the OMP_TARGET_ALGO algorithm. In all other cases the default version is the CPU_ALGO.


In adittion to the solver above, you can also use the Lanczos iterative solver, which requires ScaLAPACK, but works with both TDA and full BSE. If you want to use the lanczos solver, you also need to set the diagonalization flag.

For the lanczos scheme, you can specify whether you can do use the average Gaussian quadrature, which typically speeds up convergence with respect to the number of iterations by a factor of 2. The default is to use it.




Compute only the lowest neig eigenvalues/eigenvectors. The default is to calculate all n_v n_c n_k of them. Only for diagonalization, not for haydock.

number_iterations [integer]

If you are not performing full diagonalization (eg: if using haydock or diagonalization + lanczos), you must specify the number of iterations.


Set this to use eigenvalues in eqp.dat and eqp_q.dat If not set, these files will be ignored.


Set this to use eigenvalues in eqp_co.dat These quasiparticle corrections will be interpolated to the shifted and unshifted fine grids and written to eqp.dat, eqp_q.dat, and bandstructure.dat. If not set, this file will be ignored.

cell_average_cutoff [float]

Cutoff energy for averaging the Coulomb Interaction in the Mini Brillouin Zones around the Gamma-point without Truncation or for Cell Wire or Cell Slab Truncation. The value is in Rydbergs, the default is 1.0d-12.

polarization [array of integers]

This is needed if you selected momentum operator above. This vector will be normalized in the code.


If we have already calculated the optical matrix elements, do we read them from file to save time?


Read eps2_moments generated during previous run. Only for haydock calculations.


Reduce cost of calculation if we've already computed the eigensolutions. This reads the eigenvalues and transition matrix elements from the file eigenvalues.dat.


If we only want the non-interacting spectra (i.e. no electron- hole interaction, RPA). Only WFN_fi and WFNq_fi are needed as inputs. With the read_eigenvalues flag, both absorption_eh.dat and absorption_noeh.dat will be created.


If already calculated, read the interpolation matrices dvv and dcc from file dtmat.

delta_frequency [float]

Frequency step, in eV, for generating absorption spectrum.


This specifies what kind of epsilon we read. Default is to read epsmat and eps0mat, but if this flag is present we read file epsdiag.dat instead. epsdiag.dat contains only the diagonal part of eps(0)mat which is all that is needed by absorption. It is always created by an absorption run for use in future runs, to save time reading.


Determines output of eigenvectors (eigenvectors).

  • eig = 0 : do not write eigenvectors (default)
  • eig < 0 : write all eigenvectors
  • eig > 0 : write eig eigenvectors


Write the bare Coulomb potential v(q+G) to file.


If your two grids are the same, use this flag to skip interpolation and reduce the time/memory you need. Then you should use eqp_corrections with eqp.dat (and eqp_q.dat).


Do not use this if you have a different fine grid from the coarse grid, as for velocity operator.


Use the same flag as in kernel.inp.


Solve the full Bethe-Salpeter equation without using the Tamm-Dancoff approximation. This flag automatically turns on the extended_kernel flag. See also: full_bse_solver_sseig, full_bse_solver_gvx, full_bse_solver_elpa.


This option turns on the clustered sampled interpolation (CSI) method.

For 1D and 2D systems, kernel interpolation may not work well if the coarse k-grid is too coarse to capture fast variations in screening at small q. The subsample_line flag lets you replace the interpolated matrix elements with matrix elements from a different (subsampled) bsemat file for |q| < cutoff. The subsampled bsemat can be calculated on a small patch around each coarse point, thus allowing for very fine effective k-point sampling.

When this flag is present, during kernel interpolation, a fine k-point, |k_\mathrm{fi}\rangle, is expanded over the closest coarse point, |k_\mathrm{co}\rangle, while |k_\mathrm{fi}'\rangle is expanded over over a k-point, |k_\mathrm{sub}\rangle, in the subsampled bsemat file such that |k_\mathrm{co}-k_\mathrm{sub}| is as close as possible to |k_\mathrm{fi}-k_\mathrm{fi}'|. The current implementation assumes that the BSE kernel is isotropic in the Voronoi cell around each coarse point. Use of this flag requires a subsample.inp file in the same directory. The cutoff is in a.u.

subsample_algo [integer]

Setting subsample_algo to 1 will ensure that the code selects the coarse point that is as close as possible to the fine k-point. However, this will break the testsuite because it becomes possible to select different coarse points which are just as close to the same fine k-point, i.e. degenerate. When coarse points are degenerate, different compilers may select different coarse points to interpolate a fine k-point. A testsuite (that insists on high precision) may break because using different coarse k-points to interpolate the same fine k-point will lead to slightly different interpolated kernels. Setting to 0 will use the default algorithm, which uses the first coarse point identified by the code, that may not necessarily be the closest to the fine k-point, but highly reproducible by all compilers.


Whether to use ELPA to diagonalize the BSE Hamiltonian. Defaults to use_elpa if compiled with ELPA, otherwise use ScaLAPACK.



Diagonalize BSE with finite Q kernel (see Kernel Overview). This flag should only be used if kernel.inp is specified. Use this flag as follows:

exciton_Q_shift Qflag Qx Qy Qz


  1. Qflag 0 : read \psi_{vk+Q} from WFNq_co
  2. Qflag 1 : standard kernel calculation, (Q=0)
  3. Qflag 2 : Q shift is assumed commensurate with the kgrid so that \psi_{vk+Q} can be read from WFN_co.

Qx Qy Qz, specify the shift between the WFN_co and WFNq_co in crystal coordinates. Note: this Q shift is not the center-of-mass momentum for the exciton being computed. There is a relative negative sign! See Kernel Overview.


Does not work with use_symmetries_coarse_grid, WFN_co and WFNq_co must be computed on the full BZ.


Average the head of W in addition to the head of V using a model for the inverse dielectric matrix. This is done for insulators for all truncation schemes. The W average is limited only to the first minibz even if cell_average_cutoff != 0. Currently it is always done regardless whether average_w is included in the input file or not.

kernel_scaling [float]

Multiply kernel by arbitrary factor. Default is 1.0 of course.


Zero the coupling (H_B) block in the full Bethe-Salpeter equation. This is useful to test the diagonalization routine.


Perform the coarse-fine WFN transformation and eqp interpolation without restricting the character of the coefficients.


Without this flag, we would otherwise restrict the character of the states when computing transformation coefficients. For instance, in the default approach, we approximate a valence state v in the fine grid as $$ |v\rangle \approx \sum_{v'} d_{vv'} |v'\rangle, $$ where |v'\rangle is a valence state in the coarse grid for a fixed k-point.

With the unrestricted_transformation flag, we instead approximate a valence state in the fine grid as $$ |v\rangle \approx \sum_n d_{vn'} |n'\rangle, $$ where n' now runs over all valence and conduction states in the coarse grid for a fixed k-point.

The unrestricted_transformation flag is a very good idea for metallic systems, but it does not work so well for semiconductors because of the inherit approximation used in the interpolation. Notes:

  • If extended_kernel is not set, we restrict the d_{vn'} and d_{cn'} coefficients to the subspaces of d_{cc'} and d_{vv'} after the eqp interpolation.
  • If extended_kernel is set, this flag is automatically turned on, and we keep the unrestricted d_{vn'} and d_{cn'} coefficients for the kernel interpolation.
  • See also: zero_unrestricted_contribution


Don't use the unrestricted_transformation flag with semiconducting systems!


Zero out all d_{vc'}/d_{cv'} coefficients. Use this flag together with extended_kernel to reproduce the result of a restricted kernel calculation. See also: unrestricted_transformation.


The averaging scheme performed for the q=0 term of the BSE Hamiltonian yields exciton binding energies that do not converge variationally. One can fix this issue by zeroing out the q=0 term of the interaction, either before or after the interpolation of the kernel of the BSE. See Figure 7 of PRB 93, 235435 (2016).

Possible values for n are:

  • 0: don't zero the W(q=0) term (default).
  • 1: zero W(q=0) term after interpolation.
  • 2: zero W(q=0) before interpolation (not recommended)


Dump the BSE Hamiltonian onto file hbse.h5. Requires HDF5. Only works with diagonalization.

See also: read_bse_hamiltonian.


Reads the BSE Hamiltonian from file hbse.h5. Requires HDF5. The absorption code will not input any additional file, such as wavefunction files and kernel matrix elements. It will only read and digonalize the matrix read from file. Only works diagonalizetion.

See also: dump_bse_hamiltonian.


Whether we want to check WFN norms.