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Absorption code overview

This code is the second half of the BSE code. It interpolates the coarse grid electron-hole kernel onto the fine grid and then diagonalized the BSE equation. The output is the electron-hole eigenfunctions and eigenvalues as well the absorption spectra.

Summary of input and output files

Required input files

  • absorption.inp : Input parameters.

  • WFN_fi[.h5] : Wavefunctions in unshifted fine grid (conduction and valence for momentum operator, conduction for velocity operator). Information of spinor wavefunctions is initialized automatically.

  • WFNq_fi[.h5] : Wavefunctions in shifted fine grid (not needed for momentum operator, valence for velocity operator).

  • WFN_co[.h5] : Wavefunctions on unshifted coarse grid. Must be the same as used for Kernel.

  • eps0mat[.h5] : Must be same as used in Kernel. The file has a .h5 extension if the code is compiled with HDF5 support (for specification, see epsmat.h5.spec).

  • epsmat[.h5] : Must be same as used in Kernel. The file has a .h5 extension if the code is compiled with HDF5 support (for specification, see epsmat.h5.spec).

  • bsedmat : BSE matrix elements in coarse grid, direct part. This should be generated with Kernel code using same WFN_co[.h5].

  • bsexmat : BSE exchange matrix elements. This should be generated with Kernel code using same WFN_co[.h5].

  • bsemat.h5 : Includes data from both of above if compiled with HDF5 support. For specification, see bsemat.h5.spec. Note that you can use the utility to upgrade a bsemat.h5 file generated with BerkeleyGW prior to 1.2 (r6974).

Additional input

  • WFNq_co[.h5]: Coarse grid wavefunctions for Finite Q calcualtion, shifted relative WFN_co[.h5] by an amount exciton_Q_shift.

  • eqp.dat: A list of quasiparticle energy corrections for the bands in WFN_fi[.h5]. Used if eqp_corrections is set in absorption.inp.

  • eqp_q.dat: A list of quasiparticle energy corrections for the bands in WFNq_fi[.h5]. Used if eqp_corrections is set in absorption.inp.

  • eqp_co.dat : A list of quasiparticle energy corrections for the bands in WFN_co[.h5]. Used if eqp_co_corrections is set in absorption.inp.

WFN files in HDF5 (.h5) format

The wavefunction files will be read in HDF5 format (i.e. from WFN_fi.h5, WFNq_fi.h5, WFN_co.h5 and WFNq_co.h5 files) if the code is compiled with HDF5 support and the use_wfn_hdf5 is set in input.

Auxiliary files

The files below are output files from previous runs, and may be used as input to speed up calculations:

  • dtmat : Transformation matrices, dcc/dvv use for interpolation between coarse and fine grid. This file must be consistent with your bsedmat and bsexmat files and corresponding coarse and fine wavefunctions. Note: the file format for dtmat was changed in BerkeleyGW 1.1.0 (r5961).

  • vmtxel : Optical matrix elements (velocity or momentum) between single particle states.

  • epsdiag.dat : Diagonal elements of dielectric matrix on the q-grid. Must be consistent with epsmat and eps0mat.

  • eigenvalues.dat : Contains electron-hole eigenvalues and transition matrix elements.

Output files

  • eigenvalues.dat: Has eigenvalues/transition matrix elements of e-h states, eigenvalues in eV, matrix elements in atomic units.

  • eigenvalues_noeh.dat: As above but for non-interacting e-h transitions, showing k-point, bands, and spin for each.

  • eigenvectors: Has the excitonic wavefunctions in Bloch space: A^S_{vck}.

  • absorption_eh.dat: Dielectric function and density of excitonic states. There are four Columns: energy (in eV), \varepsilon_2, \varepsilon_1, and the DOS. The DOS is normalized, \int DOS(\omega)\,d\omega = 1.

  • absorption_noeh.dat: Non-interacting (RPA) dielectric function and joint density of states. There are four Columns: energy (in eV) , \varepsilon_2, \varepsilon_1, and the JDOS. The JDOS is normalized, \int JDOS(\omega)\,d\omega = 1.

  • dvmat_norm.dat: The norms of the dvv overlap matrices between the valence band k on the fine grid and the closest k-point on the coarse grid

  • dcmat_norm.dat: The norms of the dcc overlap matrices between the conduction band k on the fine grid and the closest k-point on the coarse grid

  • eqp.dat, eqp_q.dat: Quasiparticle corrections for WFN_fi[.h5] and WFNq_fi[.h5] interpolated from the coarse grid if eqp_co_corrections is used.

  • bandstructure.dat: Same as eqp.dat and eqp_q.dat but in a format suitable for plotting as a bandstructure.

Details: Finite Q conventions

As a direct result of the convention dicussed in the kernel overview, running a finite Q calculation with the input:

exciton_Q_shift Qflag Q_x, Q_y, Q_z

will yield excitons with:

\Psi_{S,-Q}(r_e, r_h) = \sum_{cvk} A^{S,-Q}_{cvk} \psi_{ck}(r_e) \psi^\star_{vk+Q}(r_h)

where Q = (Q_x, Q_y, Q_z). In other words, the shift provided in exciton_Q_shift is negative the excitons center of mass momentum.

Tricks and hints

  • To optimize distribution of work among PEs, choose the number of PEs so that n_k n_c n_v in the fine grid is a multiple of the number of PEs. The parallelization is first done over over k-points.

  • Check if the transformation matrices have norm close to 1! The norms are written to the files dvmat_norm.dat and dcmat_norm.dat.

  • Unfolding of irreducible BZ: if you want to skip the unfolding and use the set of k-points in WFN_fi[.h5] as a sampling of the whole BZ, specify the no_symmetries_* options in absorption.inp.

  • The number_eigenvalues keyword: using this keyword tells the code to store only the first number_eigenvalues eigenvalues/eigenvectors. So far, this option is implemented only with the ScaLAPACK diagonalization routines.

  • Analyzing eigenvectors: we provide a tool called summarize_eigenvectors to read in and analyze eigenvectors for a group of exciton states. For specific states specified, it sums the total contribution from each k-point. Please see the example input summarize_eigenvectors.inp.