pw2bgw input (pw2bgw.inp)

pw2bgw code input format (pw2bgw.inp)

! Converts the output files produced by pw.x to the input files for BerkeleyGW.
! Note that `pw2bgw.x` is also distributed and automatically compiled within !
! the Quantum ESPRESSO package, it cannot be compiled in the BerkeleyGW code
! alone
! You cannot use USPP, PAW, or spinors in a pw.x run for BerkeleyGW.
! You cannot use "K_POINTS gamma" in a pw.x run for BerkeleyGW.
! Use "K_POINTS { tpiba | automatic | crystal }" even for the
! Gamma-point calculation.
! It is recommended to run a pw.x "bands" calculation with "K_POINTS crystal"
! and a list of k-points produced by kgrid.x, which is a part of BerkeleyGW
! package (see BerkeleyGW documentation for details).
! You can also run a pw.x "nscf" calculation instead of "bands", but in this
! case pw.x may generate more k-points than provided in the input file of pw.x.
! If this is the case for your calculation you will get errors in BerkeleyGW.
! Examples showing how to run BerkeleyGW on top of Quantum ESPRESSO including
! the input files for pw.x and pw2bgw.x are distributed together with the
! BerkeleyGW package.
! Documentation: (unless stated, all flags are optional)


  ! (mandatory) prefix of files saved by program pw.x
  prefix = 'si'

  ! Same as used in the pw.x calculation
  outdir = '.'

  ! Set 1 for real flavor of BerkeleyGW (for systems with inversion symmetry
  ! and time-reversal symmetry) or 2 for complex flavor of BerkeleyGW (for
  ! systems without inversion symmetry and time-reversal symmetry)
  real_or_complex = 2

 ! Write wavefunctions in G-space to BerkeleyGW WFN file
  wfng_flag = .false.

  ! Name of BerkeleyGW WFN output file. Not used if wfng_flag = .false.
  wfng_file = 'WFN'

  ! Overwrite k-grid parameters in BerkeleyGW WFN file. Set this to .true.
  ! when writing WFN files, or else the k-grid parameters in the output of pw.x
  ! will be set to zero.
  wfng_kgrid = .false.

  ! Number of k-points along the b_1, b_2 and b_3 reciprocal lattice vector, as
  ! in the first line of kgrid.inp. Not used if wfng_kgrid = .false.
  wfng_nk1 = 0
  wfng_nk2 = 0
  wfng_nk3 = 0

  ! K-grid offset (e.g. 0.0 unshifted, 0.5 shifted by half a grid step) along
  ! the b_1, b_2 and b_3 reciprocal lattice vectors. Let dk = second line in
  ! kgrid.inp, dq = third line in kgrid.inp. Then set wfng_dk1 = dk1 + wfng_nk1 * dq1.
  ! Not used if wfng_kgrid = .false.
  wfng_dk1 = 0d0
  wfng_dk2 = 0d0
  wfng_dk3 = 0d0

  ! Overwrite occupations in BerkeleyGW WFN file. You will typically not
  ! need to use this, unless you used smearing in your NSCF calculation,
  ! which is not recommended.
  wfng_occupation = .false.

  ! Index of the lowest occupied band (normally = 1).
  ! Not used if wfng_occupation = .false.
  wfng_nvmin = 0

  ! Index of the highest occupied band (normally the number of occupied bands).
  ! Not used if wfng_occupation = .false.
  wfng_nvmax = 0

  ! Write charge density in G-space to BerkeleyGW RHO file. Only used for
  ! the GPP model in Sigma code in BerkeleyGW.
  rhog_flag = .false.

  ! Name of BerkeleyGW RHO output file. Only used for the GPP model in the
  ! Siga code in BerkeleyGW. Not used if rhog_flag = .false.
  rhog_file = 'RHO'

  ! Index of the lowest band used for calculation of charge density. This is
  ! needed if one wants to exclude semicore states from charge density used for
  ! the GPP model in sigma code in BerkeleyGW. Make sure to include the same
  ! k-points as in scf calculation. Self-consistent charge density is used if
  ! rhog_nvmin = 0 and rhog_nvmax = 0. Not used if rhog_flag = .false. BEWARE:
  ! this feature is highly experimental and may not work at all in parallel,
  ! with pools, with spins, etc.
  rho_nvmin = 0

  ! Index of the highest band used for calculation of charge.
  ! See description of rhog_nvmin for more details.
  rho_nvmin = 0

  ! Write local part of exchange-correlation potential in G-space to
  ! BerkeleyGW VXC file. Only used in the Sigma code in BerkeleyGW.
  ! Works for all functionals other than hybrid functional. 
  ! For hybrid functional, please use kih_flag = .true.
  vxcg_flag = .false.

  ! Name of BerkeleyGW VXC output file. Only used in the Sigma
  ! code in BerkeleyGW. Not used if vxcg_flag = .false.
  vxcg_file = 'VXC'

  ! Write matrix elements of exchange-correlation potential to
  ! text file. Only used in the Sigma code in BerkeleyGW.
  ! Works for all functionals other than hybrid functional. 
  ! For hybrid functional, please use kih_flag = .true.
  vxc_flag = .false.

  ! Name of output text file for Vxc matrix elements. Only used
  ! in the Sigma code in BerkeleyGW. Not used if vxc_flag = .false.
  vxc_file = 'vxc.dat'

  ! Minimum band index for diagonal Vxc matrix elements.
  ! Not used if vxc_flag = .false.
  vxc_diag_nmin = 0

  ! Maximum band index for diagonal Vxc matrix elements.
  ! Not used if vxc_flag = .false.
  vxc_diag_nmax = 0

  ! Minimum band index for off-diagonal Vxc matrix elements.
  ! Not used if vxc_flag = .false.
  vxc_offdiag_nmin = 0

  ! Maximum band index for off-diagonal Vxc matrix elements.
  ! Not used if vxc_flag = .false.
  vxc_offdiag_nmax = 0

  ! Integration method used in the calculation of matrix elements of 
  ! exchange-correlation potential. vxc_integral = 'g' uses integration
  ! in G space, vxc_integral = 'r' uses integration in real space. The
  ! two integration method should give the same answer. Only used in the
  ! Sigma code in BerkeleyGW. Not used if vxc_flag = .false. 
  vxc_integral = 'g'

  ! Set to .true. to zero out NLCC or to .false. to keep NLCC when computing
  ! exchange-correlation potential. This flag has no effect for pseudopotentials
  ! without NLCC. BEWARE: setting vxc_zero_rho_core to .false. will produce
  ! incorrect results. This functionality is only included for testing purposes
  ! and is not meant to be used in a production environment.
  vxc_zero_rho_core = .true.

  ! Write matrix elements of the "KIH" energy (Kinetic energy + Ionic
  ! potential + Hartree) to text file. Only used in the Sigma code in
  ! BerkeleyGW. It supports all functionals (including standard LDA, GGA,
  ! and now meta-GGA, hybrid functionals, etc.) as starting point for Sigma.
  ! We recommend using the flag 'kih_flag = .true.', instead of using
  ! vxc.dat or VXC, for all functionals, although for some cases vxc.dat
  ! can still be used.
  kih_flag = .false.

  ! Name of output text file for matrix elements of "KIH" energy. Only used
  ! in the Sigma code in BerkeleyGW. Not used if kih_flag = .false.
  ! Minimum/maximum band index for diagonal matrix elements of "KIH" energy
  ! are set using vxc_diag_nmin/vxc_diag_nmax. Minimum/maximum band index
  ! for off-diagonal matrix elements of "KIH" energy are set using
  ! vxc_offdiag_nmin/vxc_offdiag_nmax.
  kih_file = 'kih.dat'

  ! Write matrix elements of exchange-correlation potential to text file.
  ! Only used for hybrid functionals. This is calculated using total band
  ! energy - (Kinetic energy + Ionic potential + Hartree energy). Only used
  ! in the Sigma code in BerkeleyGW.
  vxc_hybrid_flag = .false.

  ! Name of output text file for matrix elements of exchange-correlation
  ! potential for hybrid functionals. Only used in the Sigma code in
  ! BerkeleyGW. Not used if vxc_hybrid_flag = .false. Minimum/maximum
  ! band index for diagonal matrix elements of exchange-correlation potential
  ! are set using vxc_diag_nmin/vxc_diag_nmax. Minimum/maximum band index
  ! for off-diagonal matrix elements of exchange-correlation potential are
  ! set using vxc_offdiag_nmin/vxc_offdiag_nmax.
  vxc_hybrid_file = 'vxc_hybrid.dat'

  ! Write matrix elements of Hubbard potential to text file.
  vhub_flag = .false.

  ! Name of output text file for matrix elements of Hubbard potential.
  ! Not used if vhub_flag = .false.
  vhub_file = 'vhub.dat'

  ! Minimum band index for diagonal matrix elements of Hubbard potential.
  ! Not used if vhub_flag = .false.
  vhub_diag_nmin = 0

  ! Maximum band index for diagonal matrix elements of Hubbard potential.
  ! Not used if vhub_flag = .false.
  vhub_diag_nmax = 0

  ! Minimum band index for off-diagonal matrix elements of Hubbard potential.
  ! Not used if vhub_flag = .false.
  vhub_offdiag_nmin = 0

  ! Maximum band index for off-diagonal matrix elements of Hubbard potential.
  ! Not used if vhub_flag = .false.
  vhub_offdiag_nmax = 0

  ! Write local part of self-consistent potential in G-space to BerkeleyGW
  ! VSC file. Only used in the SAPO and ParaBands code in BerkeleyGW.
  vscg_flag = .false.

  ! Name of the BerkeleyGW VSC output file. Only used in the SAPO and
  ! ParaBands codes in BerkeleyGW. Not used if vscg_flag = .false.
  vscg_file = 'VSC'

  ! Write the Kleinman-Bylander projectors in G-space to the BerkeleyGW
  ! VKB file. Only used in the SAPO and ParaBands codes in BerkeleyGW.
  vkbg_flag = .false.

  ! Name of the BerkeleyGW VKB output file. Only used in the SAPO and
  ! ParaBands codes in BerkeleyGW. Not used if vkbg_flag = .false.
  vkbg_file = 'VKB'