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eigenvectors.h5 file format

Group: /mf_header

Content: Header from the WFN file.

Group: /eps_header

Content: Header from the epsmat file.

Group: /bse_header

Content: Header from the bsemat file.

Group: /exciton_header

Content: All the dimensions and scalar quantities

Dataset: /exciton_header/version

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: Version number of this particular file.

Dataset: /exciton_header/flavor

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: 1 if arrays are real, 2 if arrays are complex

Group: /exciton_header/params

Content: General parameters

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/bse_hamiltonian_size

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: Size of the BSE Hamiltonian, or the A sub-block case of non-TDA calculation, that is, ns * nk * nv * nc.

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/evec_sz

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: Size of the flat eigenvectors. Depends on whether Tamm-Dancoff approximation is used. If TDA is used then it is equal to bse_hamiltonian_size, otherwise it is twice that value

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/spin_kernel

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: 0 for spin-triplet, 1 for spin-singlet, 2 for local-field, 3 for spinor calculations, respectively.

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/nevecs

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of eigenvectors present in the file

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/ns

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of spins.

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/nc

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of conduction bands

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/nv

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of valence bands

Dataset: /exciton_header/params/use_tda

Type: integer/logical

Rank: 0

Value: 1 TDA is used, 0 otherwise

Group: /exciton_header/kpoints

Content: K-points-related datasets.

Dataset: /exciton_header/kpoints/nk

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of k points.

Dataset: /exciton_header/kpoints/kpts

Type: double

Rank: 2

Dims(1): 3

Dims(2): nk

Value: The list of k-points.

Dataset: /exciton_header/kpoints/nQ

Type: integer

Rank: 0

Value: The number of Q points.

Dataset: /exciton_header/kpoints/exciton_Q_shifts

Type: double

Rank: 2

Dims(1): 3

Dims(2): nQ

Value: Shifted wavevectors used for finite Q momentum. Note the shifts are applied to the valence state, and the resulting exciton has center mass momentum MINUS Q.

Group: /exciton_data

Content: All the arrays

Dataset: /exciton_data/eigenvalues

Type: double

Rank: 1

Dims(1): number_or_eigenvectors

Value: The BSE eigenvalues

Dataset: /exciton_data/eigenvectors

Type: double

Rank: 5 or 6

Dims(1): 2 (if flavor==2). Otherwise, this dimension is suppressed.

Dims(2): ns

Dims(3): nv

Dims(4): nc

Dims(5): nk

Dims(6): nevecs

Dims(7): nQ

Value: The electron-hole coefficients, that is, the right BSE eigenvectors Avc. This array is used when TDA is true or false.

Dataset: /exciton_data/eigenvectors_left

Type: double

Rank: 5 or 6

Dims(1): 2 (if flavor==2). Otherwise, this dimension is suppressed.

Dims(2): ns

Dims(3): nv

Dims(4): nc

Dims(5): nk

Dims(6): nevecs

Dims(7): nQ

Value: The electron-hole coefficients, that is, the left BSE eigenvectors Avc. This array is used when TDA is false.

Dataset: /exciton_data/eigenvectors_deexcitation

Type: double

Rank: 5 or 6

Dims(1): 2 (if flavor==2). Otherwise, this dimension is suppressed.

Dims(2): ns

Dims(3): nv

Dims(4): nc

Dims(5): nk

Dims(6): nevecs

Dims(7): nQ

Value: The electron-hole coefficients, that is, the right BSE eigenvectors Bvc with negative eigenvalues. This array is used when TDA is false.

Dataset: /exciton_data/eigenvectors_deexcitation_left

Type: double

Rank: 5 or 6

Dims(1): 2 (if flavor==2). Otherwise, this dimension is suppressed.

Dims(2): ns

Dims(3): nv

Dims(4): nc

Dims(5): nk

Dims(6): nevecs

Dims(7): nQ

Value: The electron-hole coefficients, that is, the left BSE eigenvectors Bvc with negative eigenvalues. This array is used when TDA is false.